Anil Sethi, Chairman, Pump Academy Private Limited
If earth could speak for itself, it will certainly tell us that it is starving, suffocating and getting warmer day after day. The natural resources like water, soil, minerals, air, environment and ecological habitats are all declining. Best practices, technological intervention, conservation and care for these resources are paramount so that all living things can benefit from them now and in the future.
The ever increasing pollution and contamination of the soil has far-reaching consequences that can be catastrophic for water, air, habitations, and all living species. The food and water we need to survive is grown and drawn from the surface of the earth. Our lives are intimately tied to the earth’s resources and anything that degrades, damages, or destroys it ultimately has an impact on human life and threatens our ability to survive.
The leading resource of the planet earth and source of life to all living being – water; is needed utmost attention for it to be preserved, keep clean and safe for consumption. The social and economic growth of people and nations majorly depends on the availability of water. In India, water is still treated a free commodity and sustainability plans are limited. We have taken water for granted for many years when it was available in abundance. But the scenario has changed entirely from abundance to extreme scarcity in the last few decades and we are now facing a tough challenge in getting clean water to drink at many places in the country. Major cities are facing water stress and staring the ‘day zero’ scenario. Many of us still do not think that how much of this finite resource we over consume from the earth resources and does not realize that clean water is a very precious commodity.
Technology to Support Sustainability
In this era of new technological innovations and digital interventions, there are potentially huge advantages which have to be evaluated and implemented for water management in India as much as possible. Apart from other smart interventions, an enabling solution for accelerating the transition from traditional pumping system to smart and digitally integrated pumping system for effective water distribution management has become inevitably significant in the current times.
One such technology for water pump optimization is iPUMPNET. It is an advanced technological solutions for making pumping system smart and intelligent ranging from the operational efficiency, reducing energy cost, extending life of pumps, minimizing life cycle cost of pumping system and practically eliminating breakdowns and frequent maintenance requirements with powerful analytics. It also helps in environmental sustainability by significantly reducing carbon footprint of pumping station and reducing risk of accidents thus increasing workers safety.

The cost effective solution once implemented in a pumping station will not only yield good financial returns but the investment on iPUMPNET can easily get the break-even within a year. It will help all water utilities in India to remotely monitor their pump operations and save on time and money while conserving their precious resources to serve their valued customers. It is estimated that around 5 GW of energy can be saved if iPUMPNET is put in use in all pumping stations across all water utilities and municipal water supply systems in India. It is a huge benefit not only in terms of saving electricity and cost, but it will reduce thousands of tonnes of carbon emission thus helping the earth to breathe and minimize climate change effects and global warming. The efforts by the Pump Academy Private Limited by introducing this pioneering solution, iPUMPNET to optimize pumping station operations with the patented IoT enabled innovative system is in line with the vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister to revitalize a sustainable green world at the 26th United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change in Glasgow, wherein India is committed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070. This innovative solution will play an important role in achieving India’s commitments to the world which also emphasize this year’s theme, ‘Invest in our Planet’ while making earth a better place to live.