Global Handwashing Day – 15th October – Wishes from Sensus, a Xylem Brand.


We know that handwashing is the single most effective way to stop the spread of infections. Yet, the recent UN report on Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all highlights that 29% of the world’s population lack basic hand washing facilities. Safely managed WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) is critical to leading healthy lives and the past few years have taught us the importance of hand hygiene.  

Xylem signed the WASH pledge in 2019, and as a water technology company, we believe committing to the WASH Pledge is the right thing to do, especially as global water challenges are intensifying, placing people and communities around the world at increasing risk. By signing the WASH Pledge, companies commit to implementing access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene at the workplace at an appropriate level of standard for all employees in all premises, under their control within three years of signature. Under the Pledge, companies also commit to taking action on WASH across their value chain, including among their suppliers, as well as in the communities that surround their workplaces and/or where their workers live.  

Through Xylem Watermark, we also work with non-profit partners on sustainable development projects that provide education and protect safe water resources for communities around the world. We encourage employees and stakeholders to address global water challenges by volunteering their time, providing pro-bono skilled expertise, donating in-kind technology and product and making corporate matched monetary donations. This is how we, at Sensus, a Xylem brand, are committed to establishing a germ-free organization. We provide remotely-managed products and solutions that deliver the right data at the right time for investor-owned utilities, cooperatives and municipalities.

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