Welspun India felicitated with the prestigious National Water Award 2022

National Water Award

Welspun India Limited, has recently been felicitated with the National Water Award announced by the Ministry of Jal Shakti. Welspun India won the 1st prize in Best Industry Category. The recognition came on the back of the social and environmental impact made by Welspun’s cutting-edge sewage treatment plant in the drought-prone Kutch district. Installed in 2016, the 40 MLD sewage treatment plant utilizes the latest wastewater treatment technology to reuse the urban sewage water as a high-quality clean water for industrial use, making it one of the first such facility…

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JICA approves loan of INR Rs 2,391 crore to Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB)


The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a loan agreement with the Government of India to provide Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) loan amounting to Rs 2,391 crore for the construction of water supply and sewerage facilities under a Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) Project (Phase 3). JICA has been supporting the construction of water supply and sewage facilities and services in the core city and surrounding Urban Local Body areas of Bengaluru under the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) since 1996 under phase 1 and…

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Catch the Rain Campaign 2022

Catch the Rain

President Ram Nath Kovind, launched the ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain Campaign 2022’ and sought people’s cooperation in making it the biggest water conservation drive in history. The President said that district magistrates and village sarpanches would have to play a crucial role in motivating the local populace for active participation of each individual in water conservation work.

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India – Netherland to work on Global Water Pact

Global Water Pact

The Netherlands is keen to work closely with India, taking inputs from the Narendra Modi administration’s ‘access to drinking water for all programme (Jal Jeevan Mission) for a ‘global water pact’ to be discussed at the UN water conference next March. The India-Netherlands partnership for climate change mitigation and adaptation would bring together innovative solutions developed in the Netherlands and India’s experience in ensuring access to water, sanitation and hygiene to a large number of people, for implementation around the world.

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SPML Infra Received INR 1157.08 Crore Order of IsardaWater
Supply Project in Rajasthan under Jal Jeevan Mission

India’s leading water infrastructure development company, SPML Infra Limited has received a new bulk water supply project order (Isarda Water Supply Project to provide safe drinking water in Dausa and Sawai Madhopur districts) from Public Health Engineering Department, Tonk, Rajasthan under the flagship scheme of Jal Jeevan Mission. The ambitious Isarda Water Supply Project of Govt. of Rajasthan envisages providingsafe drinking water facility to almost 25 Lac rural and urban populations that will benefit 1079 villages and 5 towns in Dausa and 177 villages and 1 town in Sawai Madhopur…

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Water Resource: Proper Management for Sustainability

Water Resource

World Water Day Quote by Abdul Rahman Mohammed, CEO, Sahara Industry 2.2 billion people in the world lack access to proper and clean water sources. In India, there are over 600 million people who is facing severe to extreme water stress. Water is the most essential element required to sustain human, animal and plant life and needed for everything – to ensure food security, feed livestock, maintain aquatic & organic life, take up industrial production and to conserve the biodiversity and environment along with all other activities.  Water is also…

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Quote on World Water Day 2022 I Danfoss India


By Ravichandran Purushothaman, President of Danfoss India According to the UN, more than 40 per cent of the world’s population lives in regions where water is becoming increasingly scarce, and that figure is likely to rise. The reality is that as economies develop and populations grow, so does the demand for resources like fresh water, land, and energy. Water shortages in India have been addressed by policymakers by looking at newer and more creative supply options, such as lakes, groundwater, and desalination plants. While these solutions must be part of…

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Quote on World Water Day


By Chrys Fernandes, Business Head, DuPont Water Solutions- India subcontinent Rising population, climate change and increasing demand for groundwater is leading to a depleted resource. Many water-stressed areas are struggling to get access to safe & clean potable water due to growing urbanization. DuPont water solutions empowers industries and markets with water-treatment technologies to help reduce stress & dependency on fresh water resources. On this world water day, let’s come together and take small steps to conserve water and make invisible groundwater visible

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Groundwater – making the invisible visible

Groundwater Danfoss

World water day quote by George Rajkumar, Country President, Grundfos India As we observe World Water Day 2022 to focus on the judicious use of freshwater resources, this year’s theme of ‘Groundwater- making the invisible visible’ highlights the need to protect this critical resource from being overexploited. In February 2022, the Indian government noted a decline in groundwater levels across 30% of wells monitored in the country. Given that groundwater is a national lifeline in India for all of us and especially the rural communities and agricultural sector, it is…

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Groundwater: Diminishing & Stressful Resource

Ground Water SPML

World Water Day 2022 quote By Subhash Sethi, Chairman, SPML Infra Limited India with second largest population in the world and very high agriculture practices – uses more water than many other countries. It is the largest freshwater users in the world and also the largest user of groundwater. It uses an estimated 230 cubic kilometers of groundwater per year – over 25% of the world total. More than 60% of irrigated agriculture and 85% of drinking water supplies are dependent on groundwater. Around 65% of India’s total water demand…

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