By Dr. Anil Kumar Mishra, Bacteriologist, Quality Control Laboratory, Delhi Jal Board, Govt. of NCT Delhi. Water is an essential and vital component of life and required for performing different types of metabolic activities in all types of living organisms (microorganisms to higher plants and animals). Water is also important for the environment and required for maintaining climate and other environmental components. In present scenario, water scarcity and contamination (physical, chemical and microbiological contaminants) are major problem in India and worldwide. Due to rapid growth of population, urbanization, industrialization and…
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Water Recycle, Reuse & Zero Liquid Discharge
By Mangesh Dashrath Surve, Founder- Managing Director (MD), Envicare Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Water is the most precious thing on our planet. It can be called the only true elixir of life. However, wastewater has impacted water levels and water quality.It is where wastewater management comes into the picture and can become a vital force in saving water. There are mainly three ways to deal with wastewater for far-reaching impact. WASTEWATER REUSE :Reusing anything is a classic way of ensuring that the item lasts long, gets utilised in a long term and…
Read MoreZero Liquid Discharge, Policy Scenerio and Indian Textile Industries
By Manoj Nainani, Executive Director, Egis India Over the years, growth of population, expansion of industry and infrastructures has resulted in accelerated depletion of the natural water supplies and created water stress regions around the world. Further, to preserve natural resources from overburdening and pollution; stringent environmental regulations are being enforced. This requires additional technology interventions prior to waste water discharge and to undertake water management practices. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a comparatively recent development in waste water treatment that totally eliminates requirement of waste water discharge to the…
Read MoreWaste to Wealth: An overview of the recognized resources derived from wastewater
By Dr. Neethu B and Dr. P. S. Harikumar, Center for Water Resources Development and Management Around 80% of the water we use daily for domestic purpose goes as wastewater. Similarly, a huge quantity of wastewater is being generated atindustries, quality and quantity of which varies with the product as well as process involved. Hence, wastewater has gained much attention as a problematic substance by large proportion of the population. As one-quarter of the world now faces water stress, the sole purpose of wastewater treatment plant is being focused to…
Read MoreWastewater Reuse: Solution for Water Scarcity
By Mohammed Naser Azeez, Managing Director, Aquality Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Water is essential for life. It is the most abundant compound found in all living organisms and the basis of existence of the planet. Yet, around80% of the world’s untreated wastewater is discarded into the water bodies, rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans creating drinking water pollution that ultimately becomes harmful to public health. The researchers are surprised that in decades, what they could not imagine, the new contaminants are now increasingly found in water that were previously unidentified, from…
By Ran Kedem, Partner And Business Development Director, Reali Technologies Ltd. Smart city concept – backgroundThe smart city concept integrates information and communication technology (ICT), and various physical devices connected to the IoT (Internet of things) network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens.Smart city technology allows city departments and management as well as related entities to interact directly with both community and city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is evolving. ICT is used to…
Read MoreFlourish Greenery: Exploit TWW (Treated Waste Water)!
By Dilip Yewalekar and Manisha Kinge, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, Jalgaon IndiaIntroductionTill the end of 19thCentury, the Central/State Government, Environment and Pollution Control Board were not so active and serious in controlling, monitoring, and implementing laws and regulations on pollution and the environment for industries, municipalities, and corporations, in India to dispose of& treat liquid and solid waste in a systematic way without creating additional waste in a scientific.There was not much awareness / public domain available on the use of TWW water for landscape, green belt, and agriculture. It…
Read MoreShould Waste Water Be Regarded as a ‘Waste’ Anymore ?
By Dr. Mayur J. Kapadia, former Additional General Manager & Head, Quality Control Division, GNFC Ltd., Bharuch, Gujarat. Water – the sole lifeline of people and a precious gift of nature –is becoming increasingly scarce. In the face of climate change, our freshwater resources are at threat. One tenth of the world’s population lacks access to clean and safe water. The population growth, increased human activities and degradation of natural environments have put challenge to provision of safe and sufficient water to the mankind. Wastewater is often seen as a…
Read MoreThe Universal Rise of Zero Liquid Discharge for Wastewater Management: Technologies and Future Directions
Freshwater scarcity, one of the most critical global challenges of our time, poses a major threat to economic growth, water security, and ecosystem health. The challenge of providing adequate and safe drinking water is further complicated by climate change and the pressures of economic development and industrialization. The public and industrial sectors consume substantial amounts of freshwater while producing vast quantities of wastewater. If inadequately treated, wastewater discharge into the aquatic environment causes severe pollution that adversely impacts aquatic ecosystems and public health. Recovery and recycling of wastewater has become…
Laxmi Kant Pathak, director-operations and BU head-surface water and irrigation at Zetwerk speaks About the challenges affecting the water sector both in terms of policies and infrastructure. Considering Zetwerk is a major EPC player in the water sector, in India, what are your views on the infrastructure that is present, in the water sector, in India? In the last 35 years, India has seen large demographic movement from rural to urban. As a result of this we can see some infrastructure in the urban areas but considering the concentration of…
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