Highly Intensive and Interactive Training Course on Design of Various Water & Waste Water Treatment system and Equipment like UF –RO and Primary & Secondary Treatment in waste water Treatment Solutions & Systems
EverythingAboutWater is excited to offer this invaluable opportunity to gain unparalleled knowledge on Design of Various Water & Waste Water Treatment system and Equipment like UF –RO and Primary & Secondary Treatment in waste water Treatment Solutions & Systems. This Highly Intensive and Interactive Training program will be held on November 25 and 26, 2022, Bangalore, India. By participating in this program, professionals involved in all aspects of water treatment will be able to learn from the best, and enhance their skills and knowledge. This is an incredible opportunity, and we hope you will take advantage of it!
Do you want to know, how the various water treatment equipment are designed in any Power generation or Process water treatment plant. The design calculations for various components of Water treatment Plant Equipment, Whether you are operating in the upstream, midstream, or downstream Utility part of the Industry. This workshop on Water & Waste Water Treatment system and Equipment like UF –RO Program and Primary & Secondary Treatment in waste water Treatment Solutions & Systems s course has been specifically designed to help raise the competency of your engineering, Utility Lab chemists, operating and Marketing staff in in-line with current industry requirements. The course is aimed at improving the understanding of existing water treatment equipment as well as the new water treatment Plant equipment for processes and facilities, working practices and procedures.
Course participants will receive accurate, up-to-date information that can be applied directly to their facilities.
- Start from Basic Level:- Water Chemistry of Brackish and Sea water it’s terminology and its effect on the selection of the Water Treatment Equipment
- The Middle level:- Calculations Involving the Clarification, Filtration and Softening.
- The Higher level:- Involving the Design Study of the Modern Membrane Technology
- Incorporating the Design Calculations of , Ultra Filtration, Reverse Osmosis equipment for generation of high Purity water (18 mega ohm)
- Trouble shooting and Maintenance of WTP Equipment
- CAPEX and OPEX ( Capital and Operation expenditure Study)
Day 1- (Timing: 10.00 AM to 5:00 PM)
- What is water, its Source and Characteristics
- The Physical, Biological and Chemical impurities of water
- The Water Analysis and its interpretation
- pH and Alkalinity relations, what is P and M alkalinity?
- Alkalinity and hardness Relations, Temporary and permanent hardness
- Hardness and Total Dissolved Solids relation, The Coagulation and flocculation of Raw water
- The equipment needed for settling/Clarifying of Water
- The Design of Clarifiers including the Flash Mixers, Flocculation Chamber and Clarifier
- The Design of Sand filter and the significance of Sand Under bed layering.
- The Design Of Activates Carbon filters and the Under bed Layering, significance of Activated Carbon Iodine Value and Adsorption capacity
- What is membrane Technology?
- The Development of membrane Technology in 20th Century and its importance in Water treatment Industry
- The membrane V/S particle size Spectrum
- The Micron, Ultra, Nano and RO Filteration.
- Membrane Materials, Reverse Osmosis membrane Configuration and Modern RO membrane material
- The Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis Explained
- The Ultra Filtration membrane Configuration and explanation of IN to OUT or OUT to IN UF configuration and Cross flow V/S Dead End Filtration
- FLUX and Membrane Area and it’ s impact on Membrane system Design, UF plant design
- Reverse Osmosis Plant design and understanding the meaning of t elements, SDI, the Flux and Area of membrane, Salt passage and Membrane rejection
- The RO Plant Design with the help of RO Software (Hydranautics or Filmtec)
- The various Aspects and Configuration of RO Membrane Arrangements (Staging and Passes), Design of BWRO , Design OF SWRO
- The Discussion of Important design Aspects of RO Plant
- Chemicals Cleaning for UF and RO plant, Dosing Chemicals and Dosing Pump Calculations
Day 2- (Timing: 10.00 AM to 5:00 PM)
- Primary treatment Steps
- Mechanical Fine bar screen.
- Equalization tank.
- Primary treatment using sludge blanket clarifier.
- Secondary Biological Treatment
(Single stage basins using Cyclic Activated Sludge Process)- MBBR / ASP / SBR
- Sludge handling and dewatering mechanism
- Disinfection system and mechanism
Group Exercise, Question / Answer, Feedback Form & Certificates.