Webinar on improving ETP Automation & Digitalization Solutions


Webinar on improving ETP Automation & Digitalization Solutions

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Oil and Gas and Petrochemical wastewater have unique challenges that contain various organic and inorganic components that need to be treated before they can be discharged or reused.

There are unique challenges in the form of high and rapid fluctuations in COD, BOD, TSS, TOC, VOC, TDS shock loads of phenols/sulfides/ammonia, complex contaminations such as alcohols, glycols, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene).

Any lapse in this efficient treatment can lead to fines for ecological damage and any inefficiency can lead to higher operational costs.

Understanding the related problems with this important activity, EverythingAboutWater; a 22-year-old global water, and wastewater knowledge solutions provider, in association with BioPetroClean India Pvt Ltd. that is in Joint Venture ship with Sahari Tank Co. Ltd in Saudi Arabia and GCC, a cleantech company specializing in biological wastewater treatment invites you to the webinar on improving ETP Automation & Digitalization Solutions on a complimentary basis. The webinar is on 29th November 2022, Tuesday. 8:30 AM -10:30 AM KSA time.

The webinar will explain utilizing automation and digitization technologies for optimizing wastewater treatment in the oil & gas and petrochemical industries, with case studies of successful implementations.

The webinar will cover topics such as:

  1. Designing Automated Sampling and Analysis System which can be plugged into any WWTP.
  2. Closed Loop Automation of Chemical and Biological Treatment processes.
  3. Spent Caustic Treatment and case studies
  4. Seamless upload on databases, and
  5. Application of modern data analytics and AI/ML software in less than a week for any process.

To Register, please click on the registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nUWH2VtsTxiGpp6KoFFaww

For any query, please contact: Ms. Reena Bahuguna, Call or WhastApp: M: +91 85958 45490, Email – reena@eawater

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nUWH2VtsTxiGpp6KoFFaww →


Date And Time

29-11-22 | 11:00 AM to
29-11-22 | 01:00 PM


Online event

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