Webinar on Rapid Automation and Digitalization of Wastewater Treatment Plants


Webinar on Rapid Automation and Digitalization of Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Implementing Industry 4.0 technologies for Automation and digitalization in Wastewater Treatment Processes involve time consuming and pain staking modifications, often with a high initial investment in instrumentation, and software set up and software subscription costs.

With new technological easing the implementation of Automation and Digitization of Wastewater Treatment Processes, we can now easily and rapidly automate and digitalize any wastewater treatment plant without high initial investments.

EverythingAboutWater, a 22-year water and wastewater knowledge services provider in association with Bio Petro Clean Limited, a company from Israel which has focused on bringing breakthrough technologies in wastewater treatment processes invites you to join us for a webinar on Rapid Automation and Digitalization of Wastewater Treatment Plants on complimentary basis. The webinar is on 24th November, 11am to 1pm (BST).

The webinar will include introduction to:

  1. Designing Automated Sampling and Analysis System which can be plugged into any WWTP.
  2. Closed Loop Automation of Chemical and Biological Treatment processes.
  3. Seamless database generation, and
  4. Application of modern data analytics and AI/ML software in less than a week for any process.

These systems provide any organization with the ability to optimize their WWTP’s through automation and digitization, it is also very important to design these systems to ensure seamless installations across multiple sites with the same systems, and keeping site specific modifications to a minimal level, enabling enterprise solutions which can be replicated rapidly.

To Register, please click on: Registration Link.

For any query, please contact: Ms. Neetu Kashyap – +91-9650045063, Email – neetu@eawater.com

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eUy77E3wS5OC6CGqsj9Z3A →


Date And Time

24-11-22 | 04:30 PM to
24-11-22 | 06:30 PM


Online event

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