The WateReuse Association (WateReuse) and the International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA) are collaborating on a Global Dialogue on Water Reuse examining the drivers, challenges, and opportunities for accelerating the adoption of water reuse around the world. The organizations will produce a white paper later this year reflecting the consensus of experts participating in this initiative, which began at the 2024 WateReuse Symposium, March 11-14, 2024, in Denver, CO, and continued at the IDRA 2024 World Congress, December 8-12, 2024, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Supporting organizations include Veolia, the International Code Council or ICC, and the North American Development Bank.
Inspired by a discussion on water reuse that began at the United Nations 2023 Water Conference and continued later that year in Seville at IDRA’s Water and Climate Change Summit, WateReuse and IDRA embarked on an ambitious effort to unite international thought leaders for a comprehensive, global conversation about the future of water recycling. The Global Dialogue on Water Reuse explored four topic areas crucial successful water recycling projects: communications, financing, governance, and treatment technology. Participants shared their knowledge on the drivers, challenges, and opportunities to accelerate the adoption of water recycling as a resiliency tool to help countries around the world.
WateReuse and IDRA are now working to synthesize the discussions into a Global Dialogue on Water Reuse White Paper. The White Paper will summarize key takeaways, best management practices, and lessons learned from these practitioners to help guide both public and private sector water professionals across the globe as they seek to implement water reuse projects in their respective countries. The analysis will highlight drivers, challenges, and opportunities for water reuse from the perspective of water professionals who have undertaken water recycling projects and offer practical insights for how others can get started.