By Kritee Jhawar, Associate Vice President, Avalon Consulting When India’s IT Capital, a mammoth like Bengaluru is buckling under severe water crisis and affecting every aspect of our daily lives, we have no choice but to open our eyes to the significance of water conservation. Why are we in this predicament? The answer is quite simple and something we have all learnt as part of our environmental studies courses – climate change, unsustainable urbanization and inadequate water management practices. Now that the theory has affected our practical lives, its high…
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Water Carriers: Bridging Divides Beyond Borders
By Abdul A. Khurram, Director Technical, Water Care Services (WCSP) In the vast tapestry of humanity, water serves as both a vital necessity and a unifying force. Regardless of creed, culture, or nationality, the pursuit of clean water unites us all. This fundamental truth is epitomized by the unsung heroes of our world – the water carriers. These tireless individuals traverse landscapes and cross borders, their only mission being to ensure that every person has access to the life-giving elixir. In their noble endeavor, they embody the spirit of compassion,…
Read MoreWorld Water Day Qoute from SmarterHomes
By Jitender Thirwani, COO SmarterHomes As industry leaders, we stand at the forefront of innovation and progress. Our responsibility extends beyond mere profitability; it encompasses the preservation of our planet’s most precious resource: water. In our pursuit of excellence, let us champion best practices in water management, weaving sustainability into the fabric of our operations. Through efficient technologies, responsible consumption, and holistic conservation strategies, including meticulous water measurement and monitoring, we can not only mitigate risks but also cultivate a legacy of environmental stewardship. Remember, in the vast stream of…
Read MoreWorld Water Day Qoute from Department Urbanism
By Dr. F.L. Hooimeijer (Fransje), Associate Professor Environmental Technology and Design, Researcher Delta Urbanism, Scientific Coordinator Infrastructure and Environment Design Honours/ Delta Futures Lab, Editor Journal of Delta Urbanism, TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment / Department Urbanism In a world that diversifies and recognised diversity as a quality also water needs to be recogised in its capabilty to manifest itself in divers conditions. It is all connected, water can connect us.
Read MoreStep Onward, Be Steward!
Dr Mayur J Kapadia, former AGM-QC, GNFC Ltd It is needless to say that scarce and polluted water, that too, with unequal access has raised tensions among countries and communities. So, water can be a critical factor for stability of the world. Aptly chosen theme for World Water Day 2024 – ‘Water for Peace’ – can be supported by appropriate actions of all major stake holders of water – Agriculture, Industry and Domestic consumers. Though there are varying estimates (8-14%), it is clear that industrial use of water is not…
Read MoreLift Station Repairs Demonstrate Efficacy of New Chemical Grout Injection Technology
By Suzan Chin-Taylor Injecting chemicals to stabilize, lift, seal or compact weak soils and rocks is not new. Polyurethane grout material has been used for this purpose since the 1960s. However, the limitations of this process have often been frustrating, not only for asset owners but installers, as well. Historically, material injection has been limited to shallow depths of twenty feet or less, due to the technology, means, and methods of application. As the material is injected, it begins to synthesize (cure) inside the injection tube. While the synthesis rate…
Read MoreABB reveals an additional 8.56 billion cubic meters of wastewater a year needs to be treated to meet UN goals
Global wastewater treatment capacity needs to increase annually by 8.56 billion cubic meters and investment in an additional 469 treatment facilities per year is required to meet United Nations (UN) goals. These are the findings of independent research commissioned by ABB ahead of World Water Day (WWD) on March 22, 2023. As the UN prepares to report on progress made against its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), ABB’s research focuses on SDG 6.3 which aims to improve water quality by halving the proportion of untreated wastewater globally, increasing recycling, and minimizing…
Read MoreWorld Water Day Quote from Biopetroclean India
By Mr. Bhaskar Sharma- CEO, Bio Petro Clean India Private Limited. Biopetroclean India Pvt Ltd recognizes the importance of water and the need for sustainable management for water resources. This World Water Day, we join the global community in raising awareness about the importance of water and the need for efficient water management practices. At BPC, we are strive to providing innovative and eco-friendly solutions for wastewater treatment. Our patented technology utilizes natural biological processes to break down pollutants in wastewater and covert them into harmless by products. As we…
Read MoreAccelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis
World Water Day 2023 Quote By Dr. P S Harikumar, Chief Scientist (Retd.), Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) – As one of the SDG goals of UN is (Goal 6) improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping, and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals, the discharge of waste from the domestic and industrial sector needs to be treated according to standard norms. Treatment of wastewater in developing countries is rather tardy. This has a negative impact on the environment, and the situation should be changed as…
Read MoreWorld Water Day Quote from Daiki Axis India
By Mr. Kamal Tiwari, CEO, Daiki Axis India Pvt. Ltd. – Water resource management has become an important concern globally, with dwindling freshwater supplies across the world, it is vital for governments as well as Industries to adopt sustainable and cost-effective strategies to save water and promote greener economies. Access to clean, pure water has long been a problem in developing countries. Water-treatment plants, structured pipelines, and other critical infrastructure such as Decentralized sewage treatment plants that treat residential wastewater and promote the reuse of the treated water for local…
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